2013年8月6日 星期二

嘉峪關頭 望紅塵

乘坐西行列車向河西走廊西行,列車從西安過來,早已被逼得滿滿的,近窗口的位置也被三五個人佔據了,我靜靜倚在車卡的牆上,疲累的望著外面紅彤彤的日落。西北之行,最難熬的,就是「站」火車。西北大,站與站之間相隔很遠,一站可能就是三五個小時。之不過,來到嘉峪關,所有疲倦之意,都會一掃而空。 文、圖:夏汐(www.june-tide.com)

從張掖出發去嘉峪關,必經酒泉。酒泉古時也被稱作肅州,為漢代河西四郡之一。據說, 驃騎將軍霍去病在這裡大獲全勝,想與全軍慶祝,但人多酒少,所以他把酒倒進泉中,讓其水若酒,與眾士共飲。問過西北當地人的旅遊建議,結論是不建議在我們的時間表裡加上酒泉。而酒泉聞名的夜光杯,也可以在嘉峪關找到,所以我們沒有在酒泉停下,直接乘火車去嘉峪關。


嘉峪關關城 天下雄關





長城第一墩 荒涼浪漫





航班: 海南航空深圳來回蘭州約3,200元人民幣(不連稅)
交通: 蘭州坐火車到嘉峪關單程約300元人民幣,車程約14小時
嘉峪關文物局網址: www.jygcc.com.cn

2013年8月4日 星期日

Searching for Sugar Man

News about the ex-South African president, the anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela are re-catching people's eyes after so many years. Sadly, it's because he is in critical situation of illness. Reviewing his bibliography is like reading a history book, I was like, oh wow, it's him who CREATES an legacy era, he's such a great person. (and you can see how little I know about South Africa, shame on me...)

Interestingly, recently you may find there is also a movie called 'Searching for sugar man' on screen. Rarely could you see a documentary can still being shown on Hong Kong cinemas after three months. It doesn't really have advertisements, so I believe it's good enough to make people share with their friends, and friends of friends, and it can 'survive' for such a long period.

This is probably the best movie I've seen this year. Nothing done with its Oscar-winning title, but you can find some long lost spirit from the Mexico-American Singer Rodriguez.

The reason why I link up Mandela and Rodriguez after watching the movie is: 1) they have charming characters, they have great talents but don't bother a materialistic life. Mandela was sentenced to the prison for 18 years; Rodriguez has been living as a lower class after 'false break' of his music dream; 2) Anti-apartheid spirit, Mandela by his politics, Rodriguez by his music; 3) despite of different nationalities, they are loved by South Africans, etc.

The documentary is not boring at all, it's like an onion, peeling from outside and you eventually know the whole story bit by bit. Hardly can you not be surprised of Rodriguez 's reaction to the success he owns in South Africa, which could have made him a famous singer, or at least, brought him much more income than he had been earning for most of his life...but he just keeps clam and lives as his own way. His lyrics are timeless:
I wonder how many times you been had 
And I wonder how many dreams have gone bad
I wonder how many times you had sex
And I wonder do you know who'll be next
I wonder I wonder wonder I do

Salute, Rodriguez.

2013年8月2日 星期五

Life Abstract

In this afternoon, I was editing the deadly explosion happened in western Syria city of Homs. When I was watching the violent scenes from a not-so-far-away place, where her people live in a such dangerous atmosphere...I felt bad. But what makes it even worse was the fact that I acted like a...zombie. Like watching the gun flight as computer games, I was very technically-minded, sitting in front of computer, caring about the UPSOUND, SOUNDBITE AND FRAMES of those scenes.

Yes, I understand, as a TV editor/reporter, you don't really get much time to digest the content of breaking news. My daily routine is: pick up news from Reuters> watch the video they provide> translate the news into Chinese> Mandarin voice over>Edit the video news> Check by my boss> FINISH. Hmmm to be short, the main point is picking up best shoots and send those summarized and  "fun" frames to audiences. I know it, I know my duties, but I am still confused, i.e. what should I do to be productive and useful on earth? (IS THIS MEAN I'M NOT QUALIFIED AS A NEWS EDITOR?!)

Anyway, the sad feeling this afternoon is the instant reflection I've in mind, when my friend asked me about my new job. I guess the question emerges quite frequently when I work, but of course, don't tell my boss, because I can confidently tell you I can finish my tasks despite of those "meaningless work reflection". Sigh If I tell other reporters, most of them may take this as a joke and say "you're thinking too much". Okay, let it be, let it be, there will be an answer. Whisper words of wisdom...

And I work from 5am to 2pm now. It's not something I could have imagined before, this is the only answer I can say when my friends are all surprised about it, as they know I never burnt any midnight oil even when I was in colleges. Yes, I am someone who can't do anything when I don't get enough sleep. But, sleeping earlier can have better skin...

What I am thinking is, instead of falling asleep after 2, how to make my "free" afternoons more meaningful, please drop me a message when you have good ideas!